Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Blog

is now controversial
too bad it's defunct
ha, the irony

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dear Dudes With Tumblr's

blog wars?  seriously?

The Meme Economy Has Made It To The Bigtime

Check out this bro's tumblr:

the post for Dec 12, Fri

"He keeps emailing me asking me to recognize his blog or something. but MAN that’s one shittttty blog. I wonder how long until he quits blggng"
-HRO on Thememeeconomy.blogspot.com

So there we have it, Carles says this is "one shitttty blog."  Pretty harsh words from someone that 'just wants to be your friend.'  I guess he's right though.  No wonder he didn't respond to my emails [I just assumed he was busy, I mean, he has his own radio show and all].  
AsianDan, HRO, Electrorash [and probably several others] have all come to the consensus that this blog blows and I think they might be onto something.  Maybe personal brands aren't meant to be blogged about.  Maybe I shouldn't treat a blogspot like a livejournal.  Maybe I should leave blogging to the cool kids.  
Bummer though, I really personally enjoyed writing this stuff.
[blog suicide?]

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Indiecore vs. Preppycore

Tomorrow is laundry day and that means I'm running out of things to wear.  I dug deep into my dresser and found a black Lacoste polo that I bought a several years back when I was prepppycore [catholic highschool's a bitch [stifled my creativity]].  I really haven't worn it since then but then I got a crazy idea.  I decided to wear the polo for the sake of irony; BOOM, automatic transition from preppycore to indiecore.  I mean, that's just about as authentically indiecore as it gets [indiecore kids dig irony].  
Maybe I can accessorize with a bandana and rad shades like the indiecore bro pictured above just to make sure that everyone knows that I'm trying to be ironic.  Gotta keep it authentic, my personal brand is all that I've got.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Did It

I'm gonna be completely honest with all of you [time to get vulnerable].  I took a good, long look in the mirror after I got my septum pierced.  I thought about who I was and who I want to be.  And then I thought to myself, It's all gonna be okay.
Allow me to elaborate.  
I went with a couple of my besties to get the piercing done and I ended up dropping them off at their place and then coming back to my empty apartment.  I was all alone.  I had some time to think to myself about my personal brand.  In the past few years I've developed my personal brand by leaps and bounds and my septum piercing is yet another step towards authenticity.  [I'm climbing up in the hierarchy of my local scene.]
But still, I thought to myself: things were so much easier 1.5 years ago when I was indiecore.  I was able to get away with being authentically indiecore without having a piercing or a tattoo.  I guess being authentically electrocore requires more dedication.  Times are changin [and I'm just going with the flow].  
Just taking life one banger at a time [banger is a metaphor for "day"].
[photo by Norton]

Friday, December 12, 2008

So Nervous

I'm so nervous [y'all].  I'm about to get my septum pierced today.  I might get buzzed off a few PBR's before I go just to calm my nerves.  I think a septum piercing will make me so much more authentic.  I won't have to stress over emphasizing my skinny jeans and plaid shirt because people will look at my face and automatically know that I'm an alt.  I mean, a septum piercing on an altbro is the equivalent to a lower-back tattoo on a slutty broad; automatic identification.
I'm glad that it doesn't have to be permanent though.  It's kinda like a tattoo [bc it gives alt credibility] but it can be removed when I inevitably outgrow 'the scene.'  And when I have to grow up and get a job in the real world, I can just turn the ring up and it will disappear into my nose.  Gotta think ahead, kids; can't just 'live in the moment.'
But should I be worried about my the hole getting infected?  I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I have boogers in my nose and I don't want that to be a factor when it comes to infection.   What happens when I have to blow my nose?  So many worries on my mind, I should prolly just get shitfaced so I don't have to think about it [running away from your problems is always a good option].  
This is gonna be fun.  I mean, I know it's gonna hurt but it will be so worth it in the end.  I think this will give me the authenticity that I've been looking for.  Wish me luck!
[photo of authentic altbro brought to you by I Can Teach You How To Do It]

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Stressed

[pic of awkward dancing couple is unrelated to the content of this post]
I'm so stressed.  My Composition & Literature class at my university has chosen me to give the final speech for the last class of the semester.  In case you didn't know, that's a pretty big deal.  I think I was voted by my classmates to give the speech because they perceive me as "the creative one."  I guess it's pretty true, I mean, I am pretty artsy compared to my classmates.  I'm just having a little trouble coming up with what to say.
The class was pretty rad.  My professor was an old lady [prolly a lesbian] that didn't believe in grades.  She put all of the chairs in the classroom into a circle and we had an informal conversation about whichever [highly controversial] novel we were reading at the time.  We even took a break from novels for a week and studied [rad] poetry.  I got vulnerable with my entire class when I broke out some of my beautiful poetry during a poetry slam.  My teacher had to hold back her tears because my prose was so beautiful.
All in all, it was a pretty life-changing class.  I mean, it seemed pretty authentic.  My prof. managed to bring together all sorts of people [jocks, bros, bro-hos, etc] with class discussions and I guess that's pretty rare.  Sorta felt like I was in a John Hughes movie [like "The Breakfast Club" y'know?].  Too bad the class is over; everything has to go back to the way it was and we'll all be divided again :(
I think I might just wing the speech.  Let it all flow.  That's authentic, right?  Yeah, that's what I was thinking too [you know me so well].
photo by Norton