Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Did It

I'm gonna be completely honest with all of you [time to get vulnerable].  I took a good, long look in the mirror after I got my septum pierced.  I thought about who I was and who I want to be.  And then I thought to myself, It's all gonna be okay.
Allow me to elaborate.  
I went with a couple of my besties to get the piercing done and I ended up dropping them off at their place and then coming back to my empty apartment.  I was all alone.  I had some time to think to myself about my personal brand.  In the past few years I've developed my personal brand by leaps and bounds and my septum piercing is yet another step towards authenticity.  [I'm climbing up in the hierarchy of my local scene.]
But still, I thought to myself: things were so much easier 1.5 years ago when I was indiecore.  I was able to get away with being authentically indiecore without having a piercing or a tattoo.  I guess being authentically electrocore requires more dedication.  Times are changin [and I'm just going with the flow].  
Just taking life one banger at a time [banger is a metaphor for "day"].
[photo by Norton]

1 comment:


this is like my new favourite blog

thank you.