Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Stressed

[pic of awkward dancing couple is unrelated to the content of this post]
I'm so stressed.  My Composition & Literature class at my university has chosen me to give the final speech for the last class of the semester.  In case you didn't know, that's a pretty big deal.  I think I was voted by my classmates to give the speech because they perceive me as "the creative one."  I guess it's pretty true, I mean, I am pretty artsy compared to my classmates.  I'm just having a little trouble coming up with what to say.
The class was pretty rad.  My professor was an old lady [prolly a lesbian] that didn't believe in grades.  She put all of the chairs in the classroom into a circle and we had an informal conversation about whichever [highly controversial] novel we were reading at the time.  We even took a break from novels for a week and studied [rad] poetry.  I got vulnerable with my entire class when I broke out some of my beautiful poetry during a poetry slam.  My teacher had to hold back her tears because my prose was so beautiful.
All in all, it was a pretty life-changing class.  I mean, it seemed pretty authentic.  My prof. managed to bring together all sorts of people [jocks, bros, bro-hos, etc] with class discussions and I guess that's pretty rare.  Sorta felt like I was in a John Hughes movie [like "The Breakfast Club" y'know?].  Too bad the class is over; everything has to go back to the way it was and we'll all be divided again :(
I think I might just wing the speech.  Let it all flow.  That's authentic, right?  Yeah, that's what I was thinking too [you know me so well].
photo by Norton

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