Monday, December 15, 2008

The Meme Economy Has Made It To The Bigtime

Check out this bro's tumblr:

the post for Dec 12, Fri

"He keeps emailing me asking me to recognize his blog or something. but MAN that’s one shittttty blog. I wonder how long until he quits blggng"
-HRO on

So there we have it, Carles says this is "one shitttty blog."  Pretty harsh words from someone that 'just wants to be your friend.'  I guess he's right though.  No wonder he didn't respond to my emails [I just assumed he was busy, I mean, he has his own radio show and all].  
AsianDan, HRO, Electrorash [and probably several others] have all come to the consensus that this blog blows and I think they might be onto something.  Maybe personal brands aren't meant to be blogged about.  Maybe I shouldn't treat a blogspot like a livejournal.  Maybe I should leave blogging to the cool kids.  
Bummer though, I really personally enjoyed writing this stuff.
[blog suicide?]

1 comment:


One monkey don't stop no show.
just tryna be motivational

keep up the good wrk