Sunday, December 14, 2008

Indiecore vs. Preppycore

Tomorrow is laundry day and that means I'm running out of things to wear.  I dug deep into my dresser and found a black Lacoste polo that I bought a several years back when I was prepppycore [catholic highschool's a bitch [stifled my creativity]].  I really haven't worn it since then but then I got a crazy idea.  I decided to wear the polo for the sake of irony; BOOM, automatic transition from preppycore to indiecore.  I mean, that's just about as authentically indiecore as it gets [indiecore kids dig irony].  
Maybe I can accessorize with a bandana and rad shades like the indiecore bro pictured above just to make sure that everyone knows that I'm trying to be ironic.  Gotta keep it authentic, my personal brand is all that I've got.