Friday, December 12, 2008

So Nervous

I'm so nervous [y'all].  I'm about to get my septum pierced today.  I might get buzzed off a few PBR's before I go just to calm my nerves.  I think a septum piercing will make me so much more authentic.  I won't have to stress over emphasizing my skinny jeans and plaid shirt because people will look at my face and automatically know that I'm an alt.  I mean, a septum piercing on an altbro is the equivalent to a lower-back tattoo on a slutty broad; automatic identification.
I'm glad that it doesn't have to be permanent though.  It's kinda like a tattoo [bc it gives alt credibility] but it can be removed when I inevitably outgrow 'the scene.'  And when I have to grow up and get a job in the real world, I can just turn the ring up and it will disappear into my nose.  Gotta think ahead, kids; can't just 'live in the moment.'
But should I be worried about my the hole getting infected?  I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I have boogers in my nose and I don't want that to be a factor when it comes to infection.   What happens when I have to blow my nose?  So many worries on my mind, I should prolly just get shitfaced so I don't have to think about it [running away from your problems is always a good option].  
This is gonna be fun.  I mean, I know it's gonna hurt but it will be so worth it in the end.  I think this will give me the authenticity that I've been looking for.  Wish me luck!
[photo of authentic altbro brought to you by I Can Teach You How To Do It]

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