Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Silent Rave

So I'm going to a "silent rave" tonight.  If you don't know what that is, Urban Dictionary has the hook up:
Silent Rave: "Rave" or form of wild dancing party where all of the members listen to music through headphones on seperate portable music players. The players are all synchronized so everyone is hearing the same thing, but no outsiders hear anything, hence the "silent" portion of the name.
eg: The police didn't bust the silent rave down the street because nobody complained about the noise.

I'm rather psyched, let me tell you.  Most of the raves I go to end up getting busted by cops for noise violations [suburbia doesn't take too kindly to basement parties].  But not this time, no; we can't get busted if the neighbors can't hear anything.  
I can't wait to have a spiritual experience with everyone there.  Sharing headphones with somebody is like sharing a piece of your soul [kinda like that time you split your iPod earbuds with that girl you liked].  Tonight, we won't have to share headphones; all of our headphones will be united as one [and that's a spiritual metaphor].  I take solidarity in the fact that I can casually glance at the cute girl across the room [that I'm afraid to talk to] and know that she's experiencing the exact same thing as me.  Gives me hope.
We often live our fractured lives in isolation; off in our own world listening to whatever is on our iPods.  Tonight, everything will change.  Tonight, I will be a part of something bigger than myself.  

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