Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Haunting On The Dance Floor

Sometimes when I'm on the dance floor, I completely lose myself.  Some might call it an 'out-of-body experience.'  It's as if I'm dancing around with my own ghost [my ghost looks exactly like me but is transparent and a shade of blue/cyan].  I just close my eyes and I'm in another world.  I have such a close spiritual connection to music that my spirit often manifests itself into the physical realm [as a ghost].  I've grown to accept that I'm more spiritually aware than most people.  Electro allows me to transcend the spiritual boundaries put up by 'the man.'  
Now I totally understand why Cut Copy called their album "In Ghost Colours."  Just like them, I often feel 'So Haunted'  when 'Lights and Music' are on my mind.  If my ghost is blue/cyan, I want what colour their ghost is?  Probably a shade of green [maybe neon].
photo by norton

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