Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Presets - Jizz In My Pants

I'm so upset that the Presets' new video is going viral.  It was just last week that none of my friends knew who The Presets were and now I can't turn the corner without their new vid being thrown in my face.  Now everybody thinks they're just a big joke because they sing a song about jizzing in their pants [on par with The Bloodhound Gang].  I don't even think this song is on Apocalypso; it's probably just some shitty b-side that didn't make the cut for the final record.  It's only becoming popular because Timbaland helped produce it [hate him, he's so mainstream].  And it's so pathetic that they resorted to celebrity cameos to make their vid more viral.  Didn't even know they had those sorts of connections [crafty Aussies].    
My therapist says that I should be happy for their success but I dunno.  I just feel so cheated.  They were going to be on my "Top Songs of 2K8" list but now I don't even think I can put them on there anymore.  They broke the circle of trust.  
I wish I would have know that they would sell out when I started listening to them in 2K5.  I'm upset [to say the least].
[RIP The Presets: 2K5-2K8.9]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

THIS IS NOT BY The Presets! ROFL. Who on earth told you it was? The Presets did NOT sing or make this in any way