Monday, December 8, 2008

Justice vs. Brian Wilson

Pitchfork has informed me that Brian Wilson is tired of losing his share of the market to Justice.  And what's he doing about it?  He is firing back with a vengeance by releasing his very own tour documentary entitled "That Lucky Old Sun."  One can't help but draw parallels between Wilson's "That Lucky Old Sun" and Justice's recently released "A Cross The Universe."  Both are artsy documentaries that glorify the glamorous and crazy life of rock stars in the modern age.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Wilson's documentary will most likely include:
///illicit drugs
///underaged groupie sluts
///multiple arrests
///Bingo night once a week in the rec. room
[And maybe even a weekly trip to the doctor to check up on high cholesterol]

The documentary is quite a tenacious undertaking for a mere newcomer to the music biz [I only assume he's new bc I've never heard of him].  The DVD is set to be released on January 27th so make sure to mark your calenders; I know I certainly will.  I wonder if Wilson is doing a stint of DJ sets across the country to promote his DVD like Justice did to promote theirs?  Probs.

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