Friday, November 28, 2008

The Beer Troll

I am the beer troll
///It is my mission to protect my precious kegs of PBR
///I sit atop my mountain of beer to protect it from mainstreamers
///I reside in spraypainted street alleys because it's the only place I could hide in my urban/metropolitan city
///You can only tap my keg after you answer a witty riddle about alternative culture
///I dress myself in garb that I scavaged from the dumpster of my local vintage threads shop
///My aesthetic is a rare combination of an 'old-fashioned eastern-European woman' and 'progressive slutty business woman'
///I shield my disfigured face with this rad scarf that I got on clearance from Urban Outfitters
///I am the beer troll, and I am the essence of fashion
[pic by the facehunter]

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