Monday, November 24, 2008

Marketing in 2K12

let me explain this alt bro's though process:
"wait, you're that Bronques guy right, the african-american party photographer?  oh rad, you should go to my shitty blog it's www.hotdog-wa... wait hold up, i've got a better idea, ANYBODY GOT A PEN????..."
Although this form of advertising may be called 'progressive' today, I read in a technology mag that this is all we're going to be seeing by 2k12.  A different URL for every limb.  Everybody is so desensitized to billboards these days that they've become obsolete.  Get used to seeing all your favorite adds on forearms and foreheads and such.  American Apparel has already contacted me about running an add for their new Unisex Demin Slacks on my lower back.  Gotsta Get Paid.

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