Friday, December 5, 2008

Staying In

[pic of azn girl is not related to the content of this post]
It's Friday night and I'm staying in.  I would like to clarify that it's by choice.  Going out on Fridays just seems so desperate.  I mean, going out on week days is perfectly acceptable.  But when your entire campus goes out on Friday night, that's when you know it's mainstream.  I'm just trying to keep it authentic over here, gotta stand up for what I believe in.  Maybe I'll have a Wes Anderson movie night with my close group of alt friends that 'get' the humor.  Or maybe I'll look for vocal stems and instrumentals all night so I can be the next Girl Talk [the laptop really is an instrument].  Or maybe I'll kick it outside my dorm and harshly pass judgement on the shit show of drunk girls coming home from the frat parties [they're so immature]

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