Monday, December 1, 2008

Quote Of The Day

"I can...see as far as my dates are booked. That’s pretty much how I live my life." - Esteban Aoki

This quote really makes me relate to Steve Aoki.  Just like him, I also live my life from one gig to the next.  ["Gig" is just a metaphor]. To some extent, I think everybody can relate to that.   In the big scheme of things, we are all just bloghaus DJs hopelessly floating around the cosmic abyss known as life.  We go from one dance party to the next and never stop to think about the bigger picture.  And why would we?  Life is way more fun when you ignore the daunting prospect of what existence will be like be like after you hit up your local Beauty Bar this Friday.  The only reason we should ever think about the future is when we're trying to determine what will be big next season.  [I hear flannel is making a big comeback, watch out].
photo by the cobrasnake
quote from sneakerfreaker

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