Monday, November 17, 2008

I AM ALTBRO, hear me roar

This just screams, "I swear to god I'm alternative, look I have a tattoo to prove it." This altbro is going out of his way to try to prove his altness. Notice: the fitted hat titled at a 45 degree angle, the obnoxious gold chain, and the shirt pull to reveal his 'rad tat' that he got when he was too buzzed with his bros. He's strategically placed the tat on his chest so he could still get a job interview at his dad's mainstream lawfirm, but at the same time he can reveal his altness by wearing an AA tank top or v-neck. This way, if he gets rejected from his fav progressive art/design school, he can just cover up his tattoo and join a frat at his local state college.
photo via [the culture of me]

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