Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Problem Solving

Three Little Words: Subtle Septum Piercing [like the altbro on the right]
I've figured out what I need to do to permanently solve my problem about the tank top.  All I have to do is get a septum piercing and BOOM I will automatically be alt no matter what I wear.  It's fucking brilliant.  It's basically the perfect substitution for a tattoo.
Get this.
I get the septum piercing right after Thanksgiving break.  I keep it in for four weeks while I'm at school so that the hole stays.  I take it out for when I go home for Christmas break so that my parents don't have to see it.  [They'll disown me if they know I have a piercing, parents just don't understand.]  I put in the piercing whenever I want to prove my alt status and I take it out when I have job interviews and things of that nature.  If i take it out, you can't even see the hole because it's all up in my nose.  If i put it in, I'm completely alternative and progressive.  I won't even have to feel insecure about the tank top issue because people will automatically see my piercing and know that I'm an altbro.  It's a WIN WIN.  Progressive problem solving is what I'm all about.
photo by ShootTheNight

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