Thursday, November 20, 2008

Electro Globalization

///Electro has landed in the hands of the infidels.  Take notice.  
What you see pictured above is a few kids from Iran in the possession of the Scion IHEARTCOMIX mixtape.  You might think it's cute that kids from Iran are being exposed to the zany side of Western culture but the truth is far darker than you can imagine.  Giving these kids an IHEARTCOMIX mixtape is the equivalent of giving them a map of the Whitehouse.  Sure, you think I'm crazy and that I'm overreacting but THINK ABOUT THIS:
With these mixtapes, these children can learn everything there is to know about alternative culture.  Once they move stateside, they'll be hitting up American Apparel so they can blend in.  After a while, people will start seeing them as alts and not as infidels.  But here's where it gets interesting...
This past Halloween, there were 15,000 kids at HARD Haunted Mansion.  Most of which were rolling on E or black-out drunk.  These INFIDELS could easily infiltrate the next HARD Fest undetected.  Next thing you know, 15,000 kids are being blown to bits by home-made explosives.  All the while, the infidels went by unsuspected just because they blended in.  And who's to blame?  Frankie Chan, that's who.  
Crafty jew.   

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